The Market Report Search Widget is one of the main entry points to your website’s Market Reports. Users (we assume they are potential sellers) enter their home address into this search widget in order to access a Market Report that corresponds to their address. The chosen market is generally the smallest encompassing neighborhood, ZIP, or City for which we have market data.

The user’s address will appear as a selectable auto-complete option as they type (as we query a list of all known US postal addresses).

To add this widget to your homepage, log into your iHOUSEweb admin menu, click Edit Website, then click Edit This Page while viewing your home page. In the column of your choosing, click Add new content, then from the dropdown, select Create new Market Report Search form widget, and click add this content.

Click Edit if you wish to change the widget name, wrap the form in a stylized card, or apply a Card Title (only applied if the “stylized card” option is checked).

Here is a an example with “wrap the form in a stylized card” checked:

Here is a an example with “wrap the form in a stylized card” checked as well as a custom Card Title (“Instant Market Report”):

Note: Your MLS board may prevent usage of Market Report features. If your attached MLS does not allow it, Market Report content will not show anywhere on your website.